Looking for a traditional American painting for your home or office?
Searching for quality art prints for a housewarming or birthday gift?
You’ve come to the right place.
Formerly a brick-and-mortar gallery space in Savannah, Georgia’s Historic District, Ray Ellis Gallery is now exclusively online. Our staff is here to help you select the perfect paintings and prints for your home, business, or gift. We’ll pack and ship your orders weekly and keep you coming back whenever you need more Ray Ellis art anywhere in the United States.
(912) 234-3537
All of Ray Ellis’
available books
in one location
Browse over 100 limited
and open edition
lithographs and giclées
Many of Ray Ellis’ original watercolors and oils
are still available
Ray Ellis (1921-2013) painted for over seventy years and on all seven continents. He was widely recognized for the originality of his paintings and was sought out for many museum and private collections in the United States and abroad.
Ellis’s paintings have been the subject of seventeen books. The themes of which have varied widely from the southern lowcountry to Martha’s Vineyard, flowers and gardens, moonlight, golf and fishing. His most recent book, Painting a Life, is a biography that examines his life and career.
For three consecutive years beginning in 1998, Ellis was commissioned by the President to paint scenes of the White House to be reproduced as the official Christmas card. In 2004 Ray Ellis was awarded the Salmagundi Club’s Medal of Honor for Lifetime Achievement in the Arts.
Ray Ellis paintings are in the permanent collections of the White House, museums and private collections worldwide.
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